Table of Contents

- You Are Behind In Your Payments Or In Foreclosure
- You Have Listed Your Home With An Agent Before
- You Have Already Moved Or Need To Move Soon
- Your Property Needs Repairs
- You Don't Have Enough Equity To Pay The Costs Of Selling
- You Have Inherited An Unwanted Property
- Your Property Is Worth Less Than What You Owe
- You Are Behind In Your Property Taxes
- Your Property Has Code Violations
- Your Property Is Occupied By Non-Paying Tenants
- You Are Making Double Payments
- You Need To Sell Very Quickly
#1. Your Options
Loan Modification – A lot of banks will ask you if you are interested in a loan modification, where they look to see if they can recast your loan, take some of your back payments and extend the interest or the life of the loan; and keep you in your house in the new payment plan. Unfortunately, this can take months while the banks go back and forth requesting information. Unfortunately, during this time, you probably haven’t made mortgage payments and might have gotten further behind. So, if the modification isn’t approved at the end, you could be 6-9 months behind on your payments, instead of just a little behind where you started.
Short Sales – Short sales can work really well. A lot of people think short sales steal equity or only pay half price for a house. In reality, the bank doesn’t want your house. So, they will help you work with a short sale specialist, agent, or a company that can help get your property on the market, get as much as you can for it, and sometimes the bank will allow you to sell the house for that price. It may not cover all the principal balance on the mortgage, but you may be able to get a release to prevent the foreclosure.
Bankruptcies – The bankruptcy will stop the foreclosure process, but you have to be able to make the bankruptcy payments during the whole term of the bankruptcy. A lot of times it is a very short-term solution. If you are not able to keep up with the payments, the bank will petition the court to release the home from your bankruptcy and then will foreclose on it. Many times, people end up with a bankruptcy AND a foreclosure.
#2. Foreclosures May Not Wipe Out Debt
#3. The Bank Doesn’t Want Your House
#4. The Sooner You Take Action, The Easier the Solution.
It can be difficult to find the right agent to sell your home. The truth is that a good portion of them are new to the real estate business and have only held their license for a few months or years. Or they may be inexperienced and don’t know the true values when they take on new listings.
And what do they have to lose? After all, they have no “skin in the game” as its YOU taking the risk, making the house payments when it doesn’t sell and sits on the market for months on end.
Quite frankly, properly marketing your home for sale today is not as simple as it was a few years ago. Today, with the explosion of the internet, listing a house in the MLS and putting a sign in the yard simply isn’t enough.
That’s where I come in. I am not a real estate agent. My program allows us to buy your property directly. When I agree to meet with you, I am not looking to “sell” the home for you. If your home meets my buying criteria you will have a signed contract within 48 hours. My team and I will close very quickly or give you the time you need to move.
If this sounds like a reasonable or more realistic means to selling your house, please contact me right away. I’ll be happy to talk with you, confidentially, and answer your questions.
In many areas, professional thieves target vacant properties regularly and make their livelihoods stealing valuable copper piping and wires as well as entire air conditioning units and heating systems. Then, they’ll vandalize the property when they’re done.
When that happens, you’re not only losing money but additional time is being tied up in insurance claims and paperwork. There are tons of things on a property that command your attention. When you can’t be there to keep a proper eye on it, your asset can quickly turn into a liability.
On top of it all, you risk liabilities that are not covered by your standard home owner’s insurance policy because the property is no longer occupied. Your uncovered losses can be just a drop in the bucket compared to the law suits you can face if someone gets injured on the property.
Even if your friendly neighbor has agreed to keep an eye on your property, you certainly wouldn’t want to risk them running into a group of unscrupulous thieves. If your property sits vacant and you are looking to sell, time is of the essence.
I can structure an agreement quickly and close even faster. In many cases, I can close without any restrictions or approval processes from lenders or banks, so you can go on with your life.
If this sounds like a reasonable or more realistic way to sell your house, please contact me right away. I’ll be happy to talk with you, confidentially, and answer your questions.
And more often than not, buyers are simply picky! Wouldn’t you be if you were qualified to purchase? Think of it through the buyers’ eyes: you know you can get a loan, there are several homes to choose from and many of those homes in tip-top, shiny condition.
How are you going to compete with that if your house needs several repairs? Repairs that you can’t afford to make! It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there!
Please excuse me if I come across blunt or callous. I really mean no harm or offense. But I’d rather be honest to tell you the way things work than carefully polite and mislead you.
When you don’t have the means or the time to fix the property before putting it on the market, it can become unmarketable. And with lending standards as tight as they are, if you have even so much as a broken porch railing you may be trying to market the unmarketable.
In some cases, if the city or county red-tags the house, you can be subject to fines or even lose the property altogether if you don’t take care of the problems.
If you are in that situation, don’t despair – you are not alone! Let your repair costs be my burden. I am in a position to pay full market price for your property and deal with any repairs after we close.
If this sounds like a reasonable or more realistic way to sell your house, please contact me right away. I’ll be happy to talk with you, confidentially, and answer your questions.
In most cases, these costs will be in the range of 10% or more of the negotiated selling price.In today’s economy, money is tight for everyone. Particularly with FHA buyers, an additional 3% can be negotiated and come out of your sales proceeds. That means that for every $100,000 in the selling price, between $10,000 and $13,000 will be taken out of your proceeds at closing.$10,000 to $13,000 is a bitter pill to swallow for any home owner!
No wonder many sellers simply cannot afford to sell under these conditions. If you’ve boughtyour home with 100% financing in the last 5 to 10 years you most likely don’t have enough equity to cover these costs. And even if you’ve put up a 5% or 10% down payment, you may still be “under water” due to the declining markets or no appreciation.
I don’t need your closing costs. That’s why I am the best solution for you. Full Price Offer NinjaTM has solutions for many different situations – yours could be one of them. If your property meets my buying criteria, I can buy your home even if you cannot afford to pay for the cost of selling,and I might even be able to cover closing costs for you.
Maybe your life is too busy to deal with that old house that uncle Joe left you, and you just want the cash out of it quickly.
Or maybe you feel emotionally too attached to wanting to deal with dozens of showings and insensitive buyers who pick everything apart.
Either way, Full Price Offer NinjaTM will listen to your needs and can help you in the best way possible. I will help you deal with any formalities quickly and tactfully, respect your privacy, and handle the closing at your convenience so you can get your own life back to normal.
Please start by filling out the form on the main page, and I will respond to you shortly.
Has Your Rental Property Become A Nightmare?
If you’ve rented your property out to tenants, you may have been lucky enough to be unaffected by the economy. However, rising unemployment, job losses and income cuts are now so wide spread that even good tenants are forced to fall behind on their rent.
Maybe you have been nice enough to try and work it out with your tenants and just given them extra time to come up with missed payments, instead of just filing for an eviction. Let’s face it – some tenants just take advantage of your good nature.
Or you may be victim of “professional squatters” who tricked you into letting them into the property and just aren’t paying. – We’ve heard that can even happen with “family members” who abuse your goodwill and go for a free ride.
Full Price Offer NinjaTM is the solution to your tenant problems. If you’ve decided that enough is enough and now you are looking to sell the property, don’t worry about the tenants. In most cases, I can buy your property with the tenants still in the house, and deal with any problems after the closing. Save your money and save your health!
You're Making Double Payments?
Mary and John purchased their new home 200 miles away because John had been transferred and need to start at the new location in March. The real estate agent who was listing their old home told them not to worry – once spring sales pick up, he would get a buyer in no time.
In October, Mary and John were still making monthly mortgage payments on 2 houses – their new one and their old one. Because guess what? It hadn’t sold yet!
Many people like Mary and John have no other choice than moving and leaving their old home behind for an agent to sell. They take the needed cash for the “double payments” out of their savings, sometimes even out of their retirement funds just to stay current on the mortgage and preserve their credit.
Meanwhile, they’re risking more and more that the money will come back to them. Extended listing periods, declining markets, cost of upkeep and cost of selling all work against them. Wouldn’t you agree that John and Mary should at least take a look at a fast selling solution?
The problem with double payments is that you’re doing the right thing. But what suffers in the wake of double payments is your savings, your current home and your family.If you’re in that situation, contact me today. I can make a full fair market value offer and close quickly so you can use your “double payment” money in a more beneficial way next month.
Sell Your House After Moving and Stop Making DOUBLE PAYMENTS
If you have already moved out of the house or live outside the area, your life is probably too busy to manage a vacant property. You are not alone. Handling a property like that can be extremely difficult and risky.
In many areas, professional thieves target vacant properties regularly and make their livelihoods stealing valuable copper piping and wires as well as entire air conditioning units and heating systems. Then, they’ll vandalize the property when they’re done.
When that happens, you’re not only losing money but additional time is being tied up in insurance claims and paperwork. There are tons of things on a property that command your attention. When you can’t be there to keep a proper eye on it, your asset can quickly turn into a liability.
On top of it all, you risk liabilities that are not covered by your standard home owner’s insurance policy because the property is no longer occupied. Your uncovered losses can be just a drop in the bucket compared to the law suits you can face if someone gets injured on the property.
Even if your friendly neighbor has agreed to keep an eye on your property, you certainly wouldn’t want to risk them running into a group of unscrupulous thieves. If your property sits vacant and you are looking to sell, time is of the essence.
I can structure an agreement quickly and close even faster. In many cases, I can close without any restrictions or approval processes from lenders or banks, so you can go on with your life.
If this sounds like a reasonable or more realistic way to sell your house, please contact me right
away. I’ll be happy to talk with you, confidentially, and answer your questions.